Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Last Christmas!

The night was cool

and calm and quiet,
and then i saw it-
A dazzling sight!

Was it Him
Among the lots?
For I don’t believe,
In religious knots.

I shook my head
And quietly said
That it was a dream,
And nothing to scream

But I saw him again
Amongst the rain
With open arms,
Calling my name

Then I went close
To that image
And that moment he chose
To lessen my rage.

“My child”, He said
With a smiling face
“I know you had troubles,
For you chase,

Everything that a person
Has never achieved,
Without paying,
For something received

My child, I know
That you are angry
For I didn’t help you
Throughout your misery.

But always remember
It will be there
At adverse conditions
When you have nowhere"

And so He vanished
And I  understood
That I love Him so much
As much no one would

This was my Christmas
Before I departed
My Christmas,
My Last Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. simple and sweet but marvaleous use of words to express experience...........


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