Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Raining cats and dogs...

             Yesterday was one of those days....those days in Mumbai......when the India Meteorological Department (IMD)predicts no rains..... and it rains heavily.  I don't blame them. I mean...really...Mumbai needs to be awarded for the most unpredictable climate........and for the most unpredictable people.
             Rains, of course, disrupted the already disrupted lives of "Mumbaikars" which increased the level of frustration in them. The roads turned into rivers  but sadly....we couldn't turn our cars into boats like batman. I was astounded....seeing the central railway working...i mean actually working. The trains were moving....and reaching to their predetermined destination. That moment...i started believing in the existence of God. 
             I was brave enough to get into one of the trains. I didn't really have an option...the roads were blocked. Everyone around me was drenched top to bottom but that didn't stop them from complaining when occasionally a few drops of water fell on them through the windows. Seriously....like that's gonna make any difference. People took out their frustrations on each other, yelling constantly.  On every station hoards of people got into the train, pushing and screaming, but nobody got out. That made the people already inside the train start praying to every God they knew to help them survive the imminent death by suffocation but there were also people who enjoyed the rains and laughed and joked around. I admired them.

              Finally, the train reached my stop, panting and huffing, and with a last prayer, i tried to get down. I didn't really have to make an effort, the others pushed me out.  Standing on the railway platform, i witnessed the train reluctantly start moving again. It still had miles to go. 'Dear train...you have my sympathies', i thought and exited the station.I saw people scrambling for autorickshaws or cabs or some form of metal vehicle that moves and would take him to their homes. I decided not to push my luck and walk my way home. I rewinded my entire journey in my head, smiled to myself and closed my umbrella. What was the point of holding it open. It really was raining cats and dogs in Mumbai or, like someone rightly said to me yesterday, it was raining hippos and rhinos! My umbrella couldn't stand the weight.

1 comment:

  1. Good one gurl...i like the climax here..i like it when u let go..


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