Monday, September 14, 2009

The Sketch...

The canvas was blank 
And my thoughts sank
Into the only picture in my mind
The face, one of a kind.
I pictured his face 
And began to trace  
Those black eyes intense
Showing love immense.
I recalled the scene
Actioned when i was eighteen
When those three words escaped
From his lips well shaped.
Ah! those lips...
When it moves, my heart it rips.
Yes, I’ll draw them,
As they are as precious as a gem
I’ll draw them in such a pose
So that to mine they are close
I’ll use kohl so fine
To draw him close and make him mine.
When I finished,
I stood back and relished,
The sketch of me and him,
Together in light so dim.
Then I felt his hand
On my shoulder and time slipped like sand….
And then I knew,
The sketch had come true
When we stood in the same pose
Close…….so very close……

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