Thursday, August 30, 2012

Death...and all his friends!

                I finally realized!...Death is in love with me....he asked me to go along with him but i obstinately refused. Since he loves me so much, he probably doesn't want to take me against my will and has let me live for a while. But crafty as he is, has sent his friends to keep an eye on me. Death's friends have taken their duty very seriously and have decided to be constantly around me no matter what.....some times loving me unconditionally...some times protecting me from harm....but most of the times making my life a living hell. These friends of his keep tabs on me. Where i go...what i i happy? i sad?....they know everything.
             Yes! Death loves me! that must be the only reason why he has gone through the trouble of befriending all of my near and dear friends, my parents, my cousins and even my neighbour's dog! 

                   Now i see it!! now i see Death's diabolical plan. Now i know why he has sent these new friends of his to me........ Its because he knows.... that after being with them i'll go running to him saying "Death!!  Please take me with you! you are so much better than your friends!"

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