Thursday, October 18, 2012

All Over Again....

I fall in love all over again
With your eyes,
Your crooked smile,
With you..
All over again...

I wish i could turn back time
and turn it back again
So that i could rewind
And re- rewind
My time with you
And spend it
All over again

I hope to see you again
And hear you again
and again
Till my eyes can see no more
And my ears can hear no more
and thereafter
Do it
All over again

I pray
I most humbly pray
That my world would stop revolving around you
And yours would stop revolving around me
But then again
It happens
All over again...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Unforgiven

We met yet again
and i could see it in your eyes
when they met mine
the hurt, the pain,
the sorrow, the accusations
i could see it in your eyes
when no one else could.

We met yet again
and i could hear
your heartbeat
and with every single beat
your love for me
i could feel it
when no one else could
that I'm the unforgiven
the unforgotten.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

All Eyes on you

Hundreds of people
All prettier than most
But there you were
All eyes on you

Your handsome face
That crooked smile
Those intelligent eyes
Now linked to mine

Hundreds of people
All prettier than most
But there you were
Your eyes on me

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